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                WeclomeZhuhai Junrui Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd !
                Focus on Water Meter for 10 YearsZhuhai Junrui Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd
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                Zhuhai Junrui Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd

                Company Address: Building E, Funya High-tech Park, No.18, No.7 Innovation Coast Technology Road, High-tech District, Zhuhai City (ZIP code: 519000)   

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                Common problem

                Symbolic meaning of water meter model

                DATE:2022-06-05 16:30:36 HIT:584

                The model naming of mechanical water meter products should be in accordance with JB / t9236-1999 "principles for the preparation of industrial automation instrument product models", which is a conversion of the original professional standard ZB nl0 006-1988 "principles for the preparation of industrial automation instrument product models".

                The composition of water meter product model is generally as follows:

                The first section is represented by capital Chinese phonetic alphabets, of which the first is the category to which the product belongs, that is, the flow meter category to which the water meter belongs, represented by "L", the second is the sub category to which the product belongs, that is, the water meter, represented by "X", and the third and fourth digits represent the working principle, structure, function, characteristics, etc. of the product. See Table 1-1 for detailed provisions.

                Table 1-1 symbolic meaning of water meter model naming

                Code name remarks

                The first l of LX water meter represents the flowmeter, and the second represents the water meter

                LXS port rotor type water meter, the third position s represents rotor type

                LXL port horizontal screw wing water meter, the third l stands for horizontal screw wing water meter

                LXR port vertical screw wing water meter, the third position R represents vertical screw wing water meter

                Lxf port duplex water meter (combined) the third F of water meter represents duplex

                The 3rd D of LXD port quantitative water meter represents quantitative

                The 4th position of R hot water meter R stands for hot water

                The fourth digit of L vertical water meter is l, which stands for vertical water meter

                N positive and countercurrent water meter, the 4th position, n represents positive and countercurrent

                G dry water meter, the 4th place, G stands for dry water

                The 4th position of Y liquid seal water meter means liquid seal

                C detachable water meter, the 4th place, C stands for detachable water meter

                The second section is expressed in Arabic numerals and letters, reflecting the nominal diameter of the water meter, the type of indicating device and the design sequence number of the product (rotor type water meter), etc. In the design sequence number: a represents the basic type, seven position pointer, combined impeller, and scale 1L;

                B represents the combined impeller, 8-digit pointer, and the minimum calibration division of 1l;

                C represents the integral impeller, 8-digit pointer, and the minimum calibration division is 0.1L;

                E stands for integral impeller, 4-digit pointer and 4-digit word wheel combined counter, and the minimum calibration division is 0.1L. Among them, type a meter is the first improved design of the original unified design water meter, which has been listed as an obsolete product and is no longer produced.

                Note: the basic water meter is also commonly known as "seven pointer water meter" in the industry.

                Model example:

                Lxs-15c refers to a rotor type water meter with a nominal diameter of 15mm and the third improved design (integral impeller, 8-Position pointer);

                Lxl-80 refers to a horizontal screw wing water meter with a nominal diameter of 80mm;

                Lxl-20e refers to a rotor type vertical water meter with a nominal diameter of 20mm;

                Note: when the production license of water meter industry was implemented before 1992, the new products of water meters produced by enterprises must be registered and reviewed by the industry management office, and the above principles are basically followed. However, in recent years, the management mode has changed (at present, the water meter adopts manufacturing measurement license management to replace the original production license), and there are many new products of water meters. Some enterprises have a certain degree of confusion in the naming of water meter product models, which is reflected in: the number of letters in the first section has increased too much (such as lxsgry-15e, remote transmission of dry-type hot water meters) Letters with other meanings appear in the position of the design sequence number (for example, f in lxs-15f represents liquid seal type, rather than the design sequence number higher than type E), and the product model contains the enterprise code, etc. If the product model is not named according to industry standards, the water meter manufacturer shall formulate enterprise standards or internal technical specifications to explain.

                The standardization of model naming is conducive to the management of the industry and the comparison of products, and the emerging problems need to be further solved in the supplement and modification of model naming standards and management methods.







