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                WeclomeZhuhai Junrui Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd !
                Focus on Water Meter for 10 YearsZhuhai Junrui Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd
                Consulting Hotline:+86-13809236685
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                Zhuhai Junrui Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd

                Company Address: Building E, Funya High-tech Park, No.18, No.7 Innovation Coast Technology Road, High-tech District, Zhuhai City (ZIP code: 519000)   

                Company Tel: +86-0756-3963166; +86-13809236685     

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                Industry solutions

                In depth analysis of wireless remote water meter and wired remote water meter

                DATE:2022-07-29 20:10:03 HIT:577

                With the advent of the era of intelligent remote transmission technology for all things, many fields have begun to layout the development of remote transmission technology. The same is true of the water meter industry. At present, there are two schemes for remote data transmission in the water meter industry: wired transmission and wireless transmission. Simply from the literal point of view, it can be seen that it is nothing more than the difference between wiring and no wiring, but the use of different ways of data transmission to solve the problem of household meter reading. Then, from a scientific point of view, what is the fundamental difference between wireless remote water meters and wired remote water meters?

                Wired remote water meter is a remote water meter based on wired cable, which is often available where it is convenient to lay cables. Generally, wired remote transmission is divided into RS-485, M-BUS and PLC according to the communication mode. The price of this remote water meter will be relatively low, but it is easy to be blocked in the construction wiring. Due to the reconstruction of the old community, the residents' houses have been decorated, and the wiring needs to be re perforated. The residents are disgusted, and the construction is difficult.

                The wireless remote water meter is based on the traditional metering instrument, equipped with a special micro power transceiver integrated module, such as the hot Lora technology and nb-iot, to realize the wireless transmission of meter metering data and other data and command reception, and execute the corresponding command operations. The wireless remote water meter only communicates with the collector. After the system is installed, the ownership of the meter is determined according to the installation and commissioning of the collector, and once it is determined, it cannot be changed to ensure the unity and coordination of wireless communication management. However, because wireless water meters transmit data wirelessly, there may be various unstable factors such as unable to upload data. Therefore, the stability of wireless remote water meters' transmission data is not as stable as wired remote water meters.

                According to the above analysis, wireless remote water meter and wired remote water meter have their own advantages, so it is difficult to choose a clear winner between them.







