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                WeclomeZhuhai Junrui Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd !
                Focus on Water Meter for 10 YearsZhuhai Junrui Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd
                Consulting Hotline:+86-13809236685
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                Zhuhai Junrui Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd

                Company Address: Building E, Funya High-tech Park, No.18, No.7 Innovation Coast Technology Road, High-tech District, Zhuhai City (ZIP code: 519000)   

                Company Tel: +86-0756-3963166; +86-13809236685     

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                Can the water meter be installed standing

                DATE:2022-06-05 16:29:24 HIT:586

                According to the national standard atlas 01ss105, there are two kinds of water meters: vertical and horizontal. The vertical can be installed in the riser. Water meter: an instrument for measuring water flow. Most of them are water cumulative flow measurement. It is generally divided into two types: volumetric water meter and speed water meter. The accuracy of the former is higher than that of the latter, but it has high requirements for water quality, and it is easy to be blocked when the water contains impurities. The meter for recording the water consumption of tap water is installed on the water pipe. When the user discharges water, the pointer or character wheel on the meter rotates to indicate the water volume.


                1. The diameter of the water meter should be determined according to the diameter of the installed pipeline, and the installation position should avoid exposure, flooding, freezing and pollution, so as to facilitate disassembly and card swiping.

                2. The water meter shall be installed horizontally (with the display facing up).

                3. Before the new installation, remove the sand, gravel, hemp wire and other sundries in the pipeline to avoid causing water meter failure.

                4. The arrow direction shown on the water meter should be consistent with the flow direction of the pipeline.

                5. If the water meter is installed at the water inlet of the boiler, it is better to install a check valve at the water outlet to prevent the internal parts of the water meter from being damaged by the backflow of hot water and steam of the boiler.

                Water meters can be divided into vertical and horizontal ones. The inlet and outlet of horizontal ones are under the dial, and the inlet and outlet of vertical ones are on one side of the dial. However, the display part of the dial should be upward when installing both types.

                I don't know whether your house is vertical or horizontal







