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                WeclomeZhuhai Junrui Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd !
                Focus on Water Meter for 10 YearsZhuhai Junrui Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd
                Consulting Hotline:+86-13809236685
                Contact Us

                Zhuhai Junrui Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd

                Company Address: Building E, Funya High-tech Park, No.18, No.7 Innovation Coast Technology Road, High-tech District, Zhuhai City (ZIP code: 519000)   

                Company Tel: +86-0756-3963166; +86-13809236685     

                Company fax: +86-0756-3963166    

                Complaint number:+86-13902868076   

                Company Emai:Junrui@raymondrobles.com

                Your Location: Home>>Solution>>Technical solutions
                Technical solutions

                Basic installation requirements of water meter

                DATE:2022-06-05 16:30:18 HIT:611

                1. In order to ensure the most accurate measurement, install a straight pipe section with at least 5 times the surface diameter in front of the water meter inlet and at least 2 times the surface diameter at the water meter outlet

                2. The connecting pipes at the upstream and downstream of the water meter shall not be reduced

                3. It is recommended to install flow control equipment (such as valves) and filtration equipment

                4. The flange sealing ring shall not protrude into the pipe or be misaligned

                5. Before installing the water meter, the pipeline must be thoroughly cleaned to prevent debris from damaging the water meter

                6. The water flow direction of the water meter should be consistent with that of the pipeline

                7. After the water meter is installed, slowly drain the water to fill the pipeline to prevent the high-speed air flow from damaging the water meter

                8. The installation position should ensure that the pipeline is full of water, and bubbles will not be concentrated in the meter. It should avoid installing the water meter at the highest point of the pipeline

                9. The water meter shall be protected from water pressure impact

                10. The small caliber rotor type water meter must be installed horizontally. Tilting back and forth or left and right will reduce the sensitivity







