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                WeclomeZhuhai Junrui Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd !
                Focus on Water Meter for 10 YearsZhuhai Junrui Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd
                Consulting Hotline:+86-13809236685
                Contact Us

                Zhuhai Junrui Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd

                Company Address: Building E, Funya High-tech Park, No.18, No.7 Innovation Coast Technology Road, High-tech District, Zhuhai City (ZIP code: 519000)   

                Company Tel: +86-0756-3963166; +86-13809236685     

                Company fax: +86-0756-3963166    

                Complaint number:+86-13902868076   

                Company Emai:Junrui@raymondrobles.com

                Wired remote water meter

                Large diameter remote valve control meter

                Passive direct reading remote water meter is used to measure water flow in pipeline. Based on the traditional mechanical meter, using water meter word wheel photoelectric transmission technology, using the photoelectric principle to encode the meter head plate, so that the reading is more direct, more accurate. The management department can read the meter header information directly by way of remote meter reading, instead of manual meter reading, more convenient and faster. The passive direct re


                Passive direct reading remote water meter is used to measure water flow in pipeline. Based on the traditional mechanical meter, using water meter word wheel photoelectric transmission technology, using the photoelectric principle to encode the meter head plate, so that the reading is more direct, more accurate. The management department can read the meter header information directly by way of remote meter reading, instead of manual meter reading, more convenient and faster. The passive direct reading water meter with valve control function can also be switched on valve control.


                Product features:

                Reading accuracy: direct reading, no delay, no memory, zero error.

                Easy meter reading: there are a variety of meter reading ways, can realize automatic or semi-automatic meter reading.

                Strong anti-interference ability: with a variety of anti-interference functions, to strong light, strong magnetic, bubble interference can effectively shield, to ensure accurate reading.

                Easy debugging: it has its own electronic ID code, with automatic input function during power-on debugging, the system reaches the debugging level of "0".

                Strong fault tolerance: excellent redundancy compensation algorithm is adopted to keep accurate reading when the circuit is not fatal fault.

                Automatic memory code wheel position, no need to initialize.

                Adopt M-BUS communication interface, common two-core cable connection, do not distinguish positive and negative polarity, complete data communication and power supply at the same time; Communication distance is long (reliable value reaches 1000 meters).

                Daily work without power supply, direct reading device only in reading meter instant power work, long service life.

                Directly read the window value of water meter, no pulse cumulative error;

                There is no memory in the table


                Technical characteristics of photoelectric direct reading water meter:

                Carry error resistance:

                Using five groups of binary thirty digit coding technology, combined with jungrui core algorithm, completely solve the critical carry error and counter axis carry error (a linear problem) caused by the misreading (especially the highest bit is easier to misread).

                ? Anti-bubble interference:

                Bubble in liquid sealed water meter brings a lot of trouble to the application of photoelectric direct reading technology. However, due to the limitation of production technology and counter structure, there is no way to eliminate bubbles completely. This requires the module to be able to recognize and shield effectively when there is bubble interference.

                Resistance to strong light interference:

                In the scanning coding process of photoelectric direct reading module, if strong light interferes, the reading will be confused. Especially the gas meter, because to install into the home, the installation environment is more likely to receive strong light interference than the water meter. Jungrui uses hardware circuit combined with program algorithm to shield effectively avoid reading confusion under strong light exposure.

                Resistance to strong magnetic interference:

                Because of the use of photoelectric direct reading coding technology, while improving the solution of the full liquid sealing process, for pulse coding technology or dry water meter inherent fear of strong magnetic interference problem can be effectively solved.

                Light resistant tube failure:

                Photoelectric direct reading module contains multiple pairs of photoelectric tubes. In general, the failure of any component will cause the whole module to be scrapped. Jungrui uses a redundancy compensation algorithm to ensure accurate readings even when a pair of optical tubes fail.

                ? Automatic ID login:

                Through the built-in electronic identification code (electronic ID code) and software design, the table has the function of automatic addressing and automatic registration during system debugging. Greatly reduce the manual input workload and speed up the system tuning speed.

                ? Automatic fault diagnosis:

                The module is equipped with power-on self-check and fault code automatic reporting mechanism. When the table fails, the fault information is automatically reported to the management system, which makes troubleshooting easy and easy.

                ? High interchangeability:

                The structural design of the word wheel box ensures that all the moving parts are still conveniently removable and replaceable after being assembled into a table. This design realizes that after the service life of the meter expires or the moving parts wear out, the use life of the photoelectric module can be extended by replacing the new one.


                Photoelectric direct reading module technical specifications:

                Electrical parameter value

                Bus Type An MBUS bus with two non-polar wires

                Power supply Mode The power supply is MBUS. The power supply is not static

                Bus voltage 20.5-28.5V (maximum voltage: 36V)

                Static current 0

                Listening current < 1.3mA (valve control meter 1.8mA)

                Operating current < 15mA (only one module is working at a time)

                < 150mA (valve control meter)

                Working speed 1200bps (2400, 4800bps optional)








