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                WeclomeZhuhai Junrui Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd !
                Focus on Water Meter for 10 YearsZhuhai Junrui Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd
                Consulting Hotline:+86-13809236685
                Contact Us

                Zhuhai Junrui Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd

                Company Address: Building E, Funya High-tech Park, No.18, No.7 Innovation Coast Technology Road, High-tech District, Zhuhai City (ZIP code: 519000)   

                Company Tel: +86-0756-3963166; +86-13809236685     

                Company fax: +86-0756-3963166    

                Complaint number:+86-13902868076   

                Company Emai:Junrui@raymondrobles.com

                Wireless remote water meter

                Valveless remote water meter

                Features: 1. Low power consumption pulse meter, long service life pulse meter, very low power consumption, a 3.6V 2A/h disposable lithium battery can be used for up to 6 years. 2. The status of the table can be monitored in real time in the wireless table set a minimum hair.

                Features: 1. Low power consumption pulse meter, long service life pulse meter, very low power consumption, a 3.6V 2A/h disposable lithium battery can be used for up to 6 years. 2. The status of the table can be monitored in real time in the wireless table set a minimum hair.



                1. Low power consumption pulse meter, long service life

                Meter with pulse meter, system power consumption is very low, a 3.6V 2A/h disposable lithium battery can be used for up to 6 years.

                2. Monitor the status of the table in real time

                Set a minimum sending quantity and minimum sending interval time and meter number in wireless meter, wireless meter acquisition pulse or direct reading data automatic metering, and check the power supply, anti-disassembly, anti-shear, magnetic disturbance and other meter data. Wireless table with judgment when meet the minimum number of sending data and electric power metering, tamper, cutting, magnetic disturbances such as data wireless transmission to the concentrator, if at least sending interval does not meet the conditions of the minimum number of sending, then meet the minimum time interval measurement data when sending and power supply capacity, tamper, cutting, magnetic disturbances such as data wireless transmission to the concentrator.

                3. The table address is unique

                The table has a unique address, which is unique when the system reads. No matter where the table is, the system only recognizes the address of the table.

                4. Data adopts advanced calibration method to ensure the reliability of system data

                The meter output is accurate meter reading with check code (16-bit CRC code). If the meter reading is interfered during transmission and the meter reading is not accurate at the receiving end, the check code will also be error code. After receiving the meter reading, the system can check that the meter reading has changed, and the system will send three times consecutively within the set time. Ensure that the system reads the meter without errors due to transmission.

                5. Simple and convenient construction

                Each building concentrator can receive up to 300 pieces of water meter data, no wiring, the number of meters in the building concentrator can be flexibly set, delete, modify and other functions.

                6. Flexible configuration

                The wireless table does not need to be set after delivery, reducing the task of system debugging.

                7. Remote networking

                District centralized management, through the district concentrator can be collected in any location of the city in the city of any area of the table data, provide telephone, broadband network, wireless transmission in a variety of ways to achieve long-distance communication without distance restrictions, and the formation of the fact of the middle layer, real meter reading to the household.

                8. A lightning strike

                There is no connection and no impact of lightning strike on the system.

                9. Convenient meter reading

                System administrator can at any time, any place after the security certification, through GPRS, CDMA, hand reader, telephone network or broadband network login system to read the area of the meter reading, truly ensure that the management department does not enter the house to complete the meter reading.

                10. Easy maintenance

                The system can immediately reflect the connection line fault and accurate location, service personnel through the telephone network or broadband network login system for remote maintenance.

                11. The system can classify statistics based on user information.

                12. The system can import and export data with the charging system to facilitate charging.

                13. Real-time data of water meter can be copied to facilitate the statistics of water department.







